Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Definition Essay

What is the definition of betrayal? The purpose of this essay is to tell what betrayal is. My definition of betrayal is facing back from what was really precious to you, or get abandoned by someone who was loyal or the act of loyal to you. Did you ever have the experience of betrayal? Almost everyone in this world would have experience betrayal in any way in their lives because human beings think of only their benefits in their lives. Money, honor, love, power, and etc. easily can change people’s minds in temptation, which can cause betrayal. The definition for betrayal is “to disappoint the hopes or expectations of; be disloyal to; to be unfaithful in guarding, maintaining, or fulfilling.”
In the beginning, you start as best friends or the one you really rely on and believe in. You would spend your time with your friend, building up friendship. Absolute trust and relief will take place in your heart or mind. You think you will never get betrayed or left behind from that person you really believe. That’s what people want to think, but matter of fact; it’s not going to happen to everyone or every time. People’s mind easily changes in any temptation. You think you will not get betrayed, but unfortunately, you betray some one or get betrayed by someone.
If you think of betrayal, you would visualize Satan. Satan first started or made betrayal, which is the origin. Betrayal is like representing Satan. Satan betrayed God to overwhelm God, but he failed. As a result, he fell to hell with some other angels, which are now devils, who betrayed God together. Like this, selfishness can lead to betrayal.
Most of betrayal is about trickery like Satan. The deeper the relationship is, a high chance of betrayal can occur that would hurt and cause suffering after it happens. For a long time the people would be depressed. Worse, this could lead to committing suicide or revenge. Betrayal happens in a lack of moment. You’ll never forget how terrible it feels to get tricked. It will always stay in your memory in pain. You would think or realize that you were exploited by them for their own benefit.
People do many violent things to other people for their own benefits, not thinking about the other person’s point of view. An example for this is Judas, who comes out in the Bible. Judas betrayed Jesus to the Roman soldiers for money. Jesus was caught and Judas got his reward, but he felt guilty. So he decided to commit suicide by hanging. This didn’t make any difference except Judas falling down to hell. The person, who was used, could have been greatly damaged like Jesus. Also, the person who betrayed would have damage too. First time of betrayal is possible, but the second time may not work. Nobody will rely or believe in that person because they will meet the same tragic ending, which is again betrayal. Once you get tempted to something and commit betrayal, you’ll do it again and again, and the cycle will go over and over. Eventually, no one is going to believe and rely on the person.
Throwing away things that bother you has no difference with betrayal. It’s an exact explanation of betrayal. Treating you as trash after getting everything that they want? It’s really ridiculous. Why do they do that? Is it for wealth, happiness, joy, or richness? No matter how it is beneficial, betrayal is not allowed, and it will not give happiness either.
There’s no going back. The relationship would end up as hatred. Why do people betray their friends even though they lose their relationships? Is it really much more important than friends? People become blinded by greed, which is temptation; so eventually, they betray their deep relationships. I think friendship is the most important relationship in this world. If people work hard for something, they can some day be successful and press their goal but betraying a friend is terrible. If it is not terribly awful, then forgiveness can be taken. But what if it was an awful betrayal that the person can never forget and forgive? Nothing is going to come back and tragic will take place. Briefly, the result is losing a precious gift. Now, have you found your own meaning of betrayal? The dictionary tells that betrayal is “to disappoint the hopes or expectations of; be disloyal to; to be unfaithful in guarding, maintaining, or fulfilling.” The antonym of betrayal would be faithfulness or loyalty.

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