Saturday, February 3, 2007

My Goal

My Goal

Standard: Learn, study, and experience many things to pile up knowledge to go to a good college.

Method: Listening well and concentrating in class would be the first step. Quietly listening to the teacher’s teachings very carefully and taking notes are aggressive. Speaking out loud and asking questions are the best way to improve. After school ends, go to the library or home and review and study the part that came out in class. At least, two hours everyday should be fine. If there are confusing parts, meeting the teacher is the best way to master them. Experiencing many things in the world would be helpful. Like after school activities, habitat for humanity, travel, surveys, and etc. would increase our knowledge of the universe. Reading books is one of the requirements; it would help in life forever.
My goal is to go to Stanford University, but I am too insufficient, so I need to study hard to go there. I need to try hard to get higher on my GPA too, so if I follow these basic methods, it should improve my scores. To fulfill these methods, I need to change myself. Attitudes greatly affect everything. Like Paul has written: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” (NIV 2 Cor. 5:17), I need to fix my attitudes and forget my old images of me for my future. I will try hard to head toward my goal for God and me, thinking the verse which Paul discussed: “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus” (NIV Phil. 3:14).

Citation: The Holy Bible, New International Version.
Mexico City, 1984.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


My Learning Resolutions

Writing 1 Standards and Benchmarks
Standard 1: Editing and Publishing
Method: Until now, I didn’t put effort when I was editing my writing. So for this year, I’m going to put effort to my writing by rereading, peer conferencing, checking grammars accurately, and doing my best at correcting all my errors. For now on, I’m not going to rush my editing, but have a close look and take time by using time wisely.

Standard 2: Uses a variety of techniques to provide supporting detail.
Method: Using variety of techniques would help make readers understand my writing easily. To support my details, using resources that I researched about would help me to write a better writing, so researching would be one of the methods. Using other authors’ quotes and visual aids would give explanations to readers. Using the six methods (e.g., negation, original) that we learned first thing in class can be another method.

Standard 3: Uses commonly confused terms in written compositions.
Method: If necessary, writing all the dictions that are appropriate in the sentence and defining meanings that have hard definitions and passages can make writings fancier. Memorizing all the dictions would be a great help in my writing, using word choices in 제때. It would help many other readers to define the passages easily.

Standard 4: Scans a passage to determine whether it contains relevant information.
Methods: Copy and paste other author’s passages to get information and examples for specific details in my writing. Finding passages to give details and understandings for the readers is important, so finding accurate information for my writing needs to be done.

Weighted Categories:
Method: I will do my work on time, not delaying my work for other circumstances. I’m going to concentrate on my work to finish accurately and on time. Using time wisely is one of the most important things, so I am going to give effort to my work and use time wisely, not doing other things. I already experienced a 0%, so I know how much it hurts to have a 0% in my grade.

Concrete Poem

Electric guitar

hard red brown body fragile exciting
body plastic shiny heavy purple plastic awkward fun
various sounds plastic body improving brown blue
Pickguardrainbow body shaking rock solid front expensive t u n e r s
nut b red neck wood hard long position hurts 1 A# neck gets lowest head pointy end
u brown marks of strings on fingers painful 2 B position thinner low head bends end
m shiny supports and arranges the strings 3 Cmi mark as it medium lift strings end
p heavy picking up and down the neck neck 4 Dma dot goes high head bumpy end
y purple between two strings neck neck neck 5 Gsus neck down highest head bullets end
expensive body skills rock precious jazz hard cool
exciting techniques body heavy red brown crucial
body heavy instrument body musicians play fun red
hard red brown rhythm tempo yellow

List Poem

Love or Hate?

Some parts I love poetry but some parts I don’t!

It’s fun to write all kinds of poetry.
Makes me flow with the rhythm.
Ideas explode out of my brain.
Topics sometimes change my mood.
Generally, short.
It can be love, sad, or ect.
Fun to read.
There are many meanings.
Many types of poetry.
Feelings are sent to the poem.
There are many rules/kinds of poetry.

Too many picky rules.
Sometimes need to think too much.
Need to organize well.
Rhyming poems make me too lazy to do it.
Some poetry is hard to understand.
Sometimes suffer by rules.
Brain wash occur.
Too many techniques.
Takes time.
Or hurting.
But it can make me frustrated too.

Poetry looked boring, but after spending many years with poetry, I realized that you can share conversations and spill out problems.

Sound Poem

Joy around School

My school campus
has noise
all around.

The noise of elementary footsteps
and screams:
Yo! Jo! Hey! Let’s go!
Run! What’s up?

Listening to students
quickening their pace to go to class:
Thump! Thump!

The school bell ringing, covering the campus
flowing and echoing out of the campus
and gradually fading.

Hear the sounds of bouncing balls and team work going on:
Bounce! Boom! Blast! Plump! Whoosh!
Score! Pass! Shoot! Ouch! Oops!

Picture this: teachers’ mouths moving up and down continuously, whispering through ear to ear and laughing out loud.

My school campus
will always be full of joy.

Two Rooms

Two Rooms

There are two rooms
in human’s life.
One with
full of gifts and comfort.
receiving full of love from my best two gifts.
I was never alone with those two gifts.
The gifts, my mother and father, were beside me
always taking care of me
before I was born
until this day.

The other room
cold and dark,
has many things wondering
which are pain, guilty, disaster, and every baleful thoughts.
The door is often closed and locked
the only way to go out.
Too tired.
The room is torn and shabby.
The walls will fall in any minute.
It’s raining in there.
When would it stop?
Just want to sleep a long sleep.


Life Villanelle

Life is like space.
Wandering all around the infinite stars.
Long like a shoe lace.

Starting all over, replace.
An adventure that is long and far.
Life is like space.

The stars have many faces.
Watching from the auto car.
Long like a shoe lace.

Rotating around a brace.
Forever like war.
Life is like space.

Full and wide like the mind of grace.
Wide as a superstar.
Long like a shoe lace.

Floating like the rhythm of a bass.
With a guitar.
Life is like the space.
Long like a shoe lace.